I write short stories, mainly horror, inspired by the world around me.
‘Til Death Do Us Part
Although I was expecting it, the buzz of my phone sent a jolt of adrenaline down my spine. I stiffened, sitting up straight in my narrow seat, no longer soothed by the familiar rattle of the train. It took everything in my power not to open my phone and check the notification, an alert from our home security system. I already knew what I'd see, a man at the door of the house, his identity obscured by dark, baggy clothing.
Fifth Curse Free
Every year, right before school started, my mom would drag me to this gross little flea market on the edge of town, ignoring my vehement protests. On the first day of school, while my classmates were comparing shiny new backpacks, the latest jeans, the trendy new accessory, I'd be lucky if my “new” clothes only had a couple stains. Yet every year, my mom had the audacity to act surprised to receive a call about another bullying incident. No kidding, Mom. I'd bully me too.
The Well
Deep in the woods, at the end of a trail rarely found and more rarely taken, there is a clearing. Any day of the year but one, it might as well be any other clearing. It is only a meadow, filled with soft grass and wildflowers. Most days, you could lie down in that clearing, stare up through the leaves at a beautiful blue sky, and let a wonderful day pass you by. But not today. If, by some slim chance, you take that path today, you’ll find, in the center of that clearing, a well. Of course, you know that already. After all, here you are.
A Bluetooth Connection
You may not realize exactly how much of your information is stored in your fancy new car. Right off the bat if you’ve ever connected any sort of Bluetooth device then at a minimum your name is in there. It’s always the first thing I check whenever I get into a new car. Once my curiosity is satisfied I usually delete it all. I try to be a good man like that, do the world a favor and so on.